Messages from Diverse Sources
Friday, June 30, 2023
My People, It Is Infinite Truth That I Want to Save You!
Message from Our Lord Jesus to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy of June 27, 2023

Jesus, your Savior comes to your aid.
My daughter:
your heart is in Me, love Me always and spread My Word; we are at the end of a cycle of life, My Blessed Mother is to manifest in every home, so that men may repent! This event ... is God's grace! Truth is in Me! Write to My beloved People:
Beloved Ones,
My wrath will fall on this unrighteous Humanity, I will cast out Evil, I will turn the Earth into a Paradise to dwell, in immense happiness and love. I am the One who manages History; oh men do not be ignorant of the Truth: study the Holy Scriptures, and live My Holy Gospel intensely, lest you find yourselves displaced when I call by name My Children to shelter them in My refuges. Return to Me, beloved Children, take back your lives! The hour thunders in death, evil reigns: you are in danger! Have the courage to turn away from sin! Say your "enough!" to the infamous! The Chair of Peter has been usurped by the enemy! Satan has brought Hell within the walls of Rome: his plan is to destroy the Church of Jesus Christ.
My children, as you well know, the world is already at war! shortly, a great roar will be felt by this Humanity: ... the Earth will tremble! The hearts of men will tremble! A massacre will be experienced: the air will be poisoned and cause severe respiratory problems, there will be many deaths! Pray My children, pray humbly, plead for My intervention. Purify your hearts with a good confession: Standing on your knees before the Crucifix plead for God's mercy! A sudden storm will shake many hearts, There will be a great awakening, man will understand and want to return to his Creator. The time has come for your urgent conversion, O men ... waste no time, set out for Me, your God Love! Mary Most Holy, shortly, will enter your homes, ... She will manifest herself in Her blazing Divine Light, She will ask you to follow Her in obedience to the will of God the Father, so that the grace of true life may succeed in you. God awaits the repentance of His children, with so much love He waits to embrace them back to Himself.
Put on in you the white garment, that of the feast, rejoin Him who created you, that He, your Father in Heaven, may shelter you in His bosom, make you divine in Him, impervious to Evil; never again shall Satan be able to rage against the children of God! An earthquake will snake from north to south, ... Italy will be wounded severely.
Oh! My Italy, too far have you strayed from your Creator God,
you have placed obstacles between you and Him, in your weakness you have given your "yes" to the enemy: you have let him manage you, you have deprived yourself of true freedom and life. You have held on to Satan's false promises, you have made no discernment, you have believed in him and that's all! Poor men, today I feel your weak breath, fatigued, your chest aching, your soul exhausted by betrayal to your one and only true God, your Creator.
Imbued with Satan's poison you can no longer hold yourselves up, you are like drunks, you go like zombies, powerless to manage your lives! Beloved daughter, write again:
My people, it is infinite truth that I want to save you, to deliver you from Satan's claws, still I call you back to Me to restore your life in Me.
Love Me, O men: do not deny your Creator, do not follow the Devil, he works in you to drag you down to Hell with him. Wake up My children, wake up!!! Give Me a chance to help you, stop, for just a moment, call Me to your aid and I will rescue you. I love you, you are My Children! Renounce Satan ... his seductions ... his lies. It is all false what he manifests to you, do not be afraid to resume the path of holiness. I Am!!!
Source: ➥